ASTRO membership survey on palliative and supportive care
Just published in PRO! Members of SPRO and ASTRO have completed a national membership survey of radiation oncologists on Palliative and Supportive Care in the United States. Attitudes of Radiation Oncologists Toward Palliative and Supportive Care in the United States: Report on National Membership Survey by the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Randy L. Wei, MD, PhD, Malcolm D. Mattes, MD, James Yu, MD, Adrienne Thrasher, Hui-kuo Shu, MD, Harald Paganetti, PhD,Jennifer De Los Santos, MD, Bridget Koontz, MD, Christopher Abraham, MD, Tracy Balboni, M Background/Purpose Radiation oncologists are frequently involved in providing palliative and supportive care (PSC) for patients with advanced…