
FORT Update – Palliative Radiation Perspective

By |September 8th, 2021|Categories: , |

Patients with lymphoma have historically been excluded from palliative radiation oncology trials given that these tumors are more radioresponsive than other solid tumors. Though radiation dose/fractionation schemes [...]

Congratulations to Dr. Tracy Balboni!

By |August 9th, 2021|Categories: , |

ASCO honors Dr. Tracy Balboni with the 2021 Walther Cancer Foundation Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Endowed Award. Dr. Tracy Balboni, MD, MPH, FAAHPM, was honored [...]

Resident Member Executive Committee

By |April 19th, 2021|Categories: |

The SPRO executive committee would like to welcome our newest member, Dr. Jordan Hill, who joins as our resident member. We were thrilled by the number of [...]

Upcoming CPROG Virtual Event

By |November 11th, 2020|Categories: |

SAVE THE DATE! The Canadian Palliative Radiation Oncology Group (CPROG), led by Dr. Kristopher Dennis and now formally under the umbrella of the new Supportive Care Committee [...]

2020 SPRO Annual Meeting

By |October 8th, 2020|Categories: |

Mark Your Calendars! SPRO's 7th Annual Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom   Wednesday, October 28th, 2020 2-3:30pm EST If you would like [...]

SPRO Awards: Accepting nominations!

By |August 6th, 2020|Categories: |

Click here for more information.

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